Rudra Chamakam Anuvakam 1.1 to 1.22
1St Anuvakam: we invoke agni / energy and Vishnu / Expansion consciousness.
1St Anuvakam: we invoke agni / energy and Vishnu / Expansion consciousness.
1st Anuvakam: Healthy Body and Faculties
2rd Anuvakam: : Purity of inner tool(s)
2rd Anuvakam: Awareness in thought, word, and action
3rd Anuvakam: Be Divine
3rd Anuvakam: Divine radiance (qualities / character);
3rd Anuvakam: Divine radiance (qualities / character);
4th Anuvakam: Food, the blessing of Mother Earth
5th Anuvakam: The 9 different types of food described in this anuvakam are also linked to the Nine Grahas that are worshipped
5th Anuvakam: Blessings for adequate living
6th Anuvakam: The blessings of the ONE That is OVERSEEING the Action
7th Anuvakam: Blessings for filling the vessels with grace
7th Anuvakam: Continuation of filling the vessels (inner) with Love and Light
Chamakam 8, 9, 10 Learning
8th Anuvakam: Blessings to do the external Yajna (as in Serivice) Blessings of Inner Illumination
9th and 10th Anuvakam: Every aspect Life offered in sacrifice “it is not through actions, nor progeny, nor wealth, but only through sacrifice one becomes immortal”.
9th to 10th Anuvakam: THAT I AM TOO Conclusion