ATMA – Awareness in Thoughts, Mind, and Action.
ATMA – Awareness in Thoughts, Mind, and Action.
May we attain immortality
To that Rudra who is fire, water, herbs, and that Rudra pervading the universe and the world, to that Rudra be the salutation in gratitude.
Salutations be to all the forms of Rudra present in all,
the description of the mantra including the 9 Śakti’s and the dhyana sloka of the feminine form
Beyond all these ten directions, may Śankara protect in all directions.
The head of the universe can be perceived as the infinity aspect above the earth. Sky and ocean are symbolic of this infinity
about the expansion of immortality which is ONENESS
Thoughts are equivalent to arrows. Those arise from external world or from stored memories.
We keep unstringed (ava tanmasi), a thousand leagues (yojana = 5 miles)
Meaning explained in Pañcamukha Nyāsam
Thighs are the support for the entire body. So too the parents hold together the entire family from the youngest to the oldest.
go far away beyond the Mūjavant mountain with his extended bow pināka in his hand and wearing the tiger skin.
Salutations to the one with helmet ,Nilagriva (with blue neck), who has thousand eyes
So-HAM is the Gayatri that is happening all the time without us doing it!
Mitra is the adhi devata, represent the sattvika, rajas, and tamo gunas
Salutations be to devi nirṛti.
bestow protection and auspiciousness upon all of us. ,Soma, fixing our minds,increase of our riches
There are 72,000 nāDi in the human body (connection points of awareness). Of these 101 are present in the Heart Cakra and Sushumna runs throughout from the bottom to top
That all empowering presence is the ATMA.
response and hence, calls him Dasahuta, then Saptahuta, Shaddhuta, Pancahuta, and lastly, Caturhuta.