Sri Rudra Prasna
Explanation of Rudra Prasna Preamble
Explanation of Rudra Prasna Preamble
Explanation of Karanyasa & Anganyasa
Conclusion of Dhyana Slokam
Conclusion of Dhyana Slokam Starting of Sri Rudram (Namakam 2017)
1st AnuvAkam: Purity 1st Mantra - Awareness, Thought, Mind, and Action (ATMA); 2nd Mantra - Positive (Pure & Peaceful) thoughts, mind, and instincts
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. wisdom
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. Essence of the first five mantras of Sri Rudram are purity and integrity of thought, word, and deed; the character of a "mahatma" (great individual). Impurity and discordance of thought, word, and deed is "duratma" (a bad individual)
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "Why fear when I am here
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "transcending judgement (hate)
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "Transmitting and transcending pleasure
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "Ceiling on desires
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "Let me be an instrument (to work) for Thee
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "The one others think who you are
1st AnuvAkam: Purity. "Help Ever" "The One who you really Are" "Be Still and Know that I am God
Introduction to Anuvaka 2 to 9
2nd AnuvAkam: Omnipotence in mother nature & inner nature
2nd AnuvAkam: Omnipotence in mother nature & inner nature
2nd Anuvakam: Conclusion of Rudram
3rd Anuvakam:The paradox of (antisocial) behaviors
3rd Anuvakam:Awareness / Perfection of Inner Tendencies
3rd Anuvakam:Perfection in awareness of inner faculties
3rd Anuvakam:Omnipotence, the power of Presence & Expansion
4th Anuvakam: Omnipotence & awareness in actions
4th Anuvakam:Omnipotence and perfection in actions
4th Anuvakam:Perfection of action in various professions is extolled.
4th Anuvakam:Perfection in professions
5th Anuvakam:Perfection in professions
5th Anuvakam: Omnipresence in space
6th Anuvakam: Omnipresence in Time
6th Anuvakam: Omnipresence in TIME (Cause & Effect)
6th Anuvakam: Protection in Time (as Vedas)
7th Anuvakam: deals with (losing) identity of the individual self and journey to the source.
8th Anuvakam: is the center and source of Vedas.
8th Anuvakam: The Source of the Universe & Supreme Self
8th Anuvakam: Bridge across the ocean (of Life)
9th Anuvakam: The changeless in the changing
9th Anuvakam: I AM as Peace, Serenity, Safety, Security
9th Anuvakam: I AM as Infinite Compassion (hRdaya, Unity)
10th Anuvakam: Quintessence is that the source is expanded to entire cosmos and only LOVE remains.
10th Anuvakam: “Love is My form…Expansion is My Life”
10th Anuvakam: "Love is the root of Sacrifice
10th Anuvakam: “Love in action is Dharma (Mankind)”
10th Anuvakam: “Love in understanding is Non-violence”
10th Anuvakam: "Love in Feeling is Peace
10th Anuvakam: Love is the Indweller present within The essence of this mantra is to connect to the immortal LOVE
10th Anuvakam: Love is giving and forgiving He (Love) comes Ego goes
10th Anuvakam: Love the inseparable SELF Love is the master of All
11th Anuvakam: Unconditional service Unconditional service to ourselves, birds / animals, and to celestial beings
11th Anuvakam: Unconditional Service to all beings and beyond Unconditional service above and beyond
11th Anuvakam: Socialcare, Healthcare, Watercare LOVE ALL SERVE ALL – Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu!!
11th Anuvakam: From Death to Immortality